Tumbled Banded Cape Amethyst

Tumbled Banded Cape Amethyst

Regular price $28.00


Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide
Hardness: 7

Amethyst has been known as the most highly prized form of quartz. It is the presence of manganese in quartz that produces the purple color, and iron content varies the coloration. Amethyst may be found throughout the world; our specimens are from Brazil and Uruguay.

Amethyst, Mythological Maiden- Bacchus, the god of wine, declared in a rage that the first person he passes will be eaten by tigers. This turns out to be a beautiful maiden named Amethyst. The goddess Diana quickly turned Amethyst into a white stone to save her from the tigers. Regretting his anger, Bacchus poured red wine over the stone as an offering to Diana, so turning the stone purple. Amethyst has long been associated with relieving hangovers, or curing drunkenness, probably as a result of its wine-like color and the Bacchus tale.

Metaphysical Attributes: Physical representative of the Violet Ray. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Aids channeling abilities. Sedative, protective. Enhances feeling of contentment, and a connection to one's spirituality. Stone of peace and strength. Activates crown chakra.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February, and is associated with the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn.