
Stichtite is a carbonate of chromium and magnesium; formula Mg6Cr2CO3(OH)16·4H2O. Its color ranges from pink through lilac to a rich purple color. It is formed as an alteration product from chromium containing serpentine.
Discovered in 1910 in Western Tasmania, Australia, it was first recognized by A.S. Wesley a former chief chemist with the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, it was named after Robert Carl Sticht, the manager of the mine.
Hardness: 1.5 - 2
Metaphysical Properties:
Assists in the movement of the Kundalini into and through the heart chakra. It provides for expansion of awareness in the emotional aspects of one's life. Brings a calming peace to the environment in which it resides. Good stone for a special place within one's living quarters.
It provides for flexibility and openness in opinions, and for faithfulness in promises. It provides companionship for those who are alone. Stimulates positive behavior modification for children. It further assists one in being gentle with oneself and others.
It can be used for regeneration of the skin, and for increasing the expansion and elasticity of skin - quite important during pregnancy and for "springing back" from bouts of water retention or from those extra winter pounds. 
Corresponding Chakra: Heart
Corresponding Astrological Sign: Virgo