#KY-237 Blue Kyanite specimen

#KY-237 Blue Kyanite specimen

#KY-237 Blue Kyanite specimen, 6 inches long, 1.43 pounds in weight. This is a one-of-a-kind specimen - you will receive the actual item in photo. Once sold, it is gone.

Chemical Composition: Kyanite is aluminum silicate
Hardness: lengthwise 4-5, crosswise 6-7
Kyanite is a Splintery translucent to transparent bladed crystal.

Metaphysical Properties: Kyanite is one of only two stones which never need cleansing or clearing. Kyanite is a stone of attunement. Good for communication, mental awareness. Stimulates psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall.

Corresponding Astrological Signs: Taurus, Libra, Aries

Chakras: Kyanite aligns all chakras automatically and immediately. Also used for opening the chakras.
Blue Kyanite is also excellent for use specifically on the throat and third-eye chakras.